Pastor Aaron has the privilege of serving as the Senior Pastor of Bayside Community Church. He has no greater joy than to see fellow Christians grow in their faith and unbelievers come to faith in Christ. He has a bachelors degree in Christian Studies from California Baptist University and has been in ministry for over fourteen years, serving and leading in various outlets of church service. Pastor Aaron’s passion is for the saved and unsaved to be loved by Jesus Christ and to become the embodiment of his presence to help others receive the unconditional and radical love of God. Pastor Aaron is happily married with two kids and loves listening to Mozart, The Beach Boys and a little bit of Justin Bieber. He also enjoys the beach, dissecting film, discovering new music, exploring nature on hikes, watching the Lakers, Raiders and Dodgers win, and occasionally sips on a size small cherry Slurpee.
Bayside’s motto is, “Falling in grace to talk and walk like Jesus.” We are saints who sin, bumbling gracefully towards the commitment of the words and works of Jesus. We don’t claim to have all the answers, ideas or tools, but we worship the one who does. Pastor Aaron shepherds with this motto in mind to feed, protect, and guide God’s people at Bayside to gracious still waters and growing green pastures. While our website can give you a glimpse of what Bayside has to offer, our desire is that you can come visit and maybe decide to become a part of our community. Hope to see you at Sunday morning service.