Howdy Baysiders, hope all is well in your souls this Autumn day.
Jesus prayed “Thy will be done” in his most darkest troubling moment. By this submissive prayer Jesus was strengthened to carry out God’s will. One of the most comforting thoughts a mind that is yielded to the will of God can have is the assurance that he who has created us also knows what’s best for us. If we walk according to God’s will rather than trying to command Him to do our will, we will have as He promised, not a solution, but peace in the midst of the storm. There’s great peace in knowing that the one who taught us to pray “Thy will be done” has every single detail of our lives under His control. To pray “Thy will be done” then, is a daily recognition that God is not going to spare us from trial or tribulation but He will use the fiery furnace to purge impurities from our lives. Job understood this at the end of his trialing time. Job endured more tragedy in a single day than most people will experience in an entire lifetime, yet, in his darkest hour Job uttered words of faith, “Thou He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.” (Job 13:15).
God’s will is not an itinerary, but an attitude. Are you willing to accept whatever God has for you with obedient contentment? Praying “Thy will be done” shows that you recognize the sovereignty of God over every aspect of your daily life. In effect, you’re saying, “Thank God this world is not under my control, it’s under His.” It’s a way of saying we would be in deep trouble if God gave us everything that we asked for. The fact is we just don’t know what’s best for us. You and I only see a snapshot in time. God sees the entire mosaic thus His perspective is far superior to ours. To pray “Thy will be done” is daily recognition that our wills must be submitted to His will.
The Holidays are upon us Bayside! Very exciting times indeed. Our last month’s Tenderloin outreach effort was a huge blessing. We were able to give out food bags and most importantly meet one on one with people showing them love with attention and prayer. Mark your calendar for November 3rd as we will be having a church picnic right after service. We will be grilling hotdogs, have fun activities and music taking place at Marlin Park down the street in Foster City. Our next Family is November 10th at 1pm after lunch. Christmas is around the corner and we are having a Church Cleaning Day to decorate the Church with Christmas reefs and decor so please make sure you come to this service opportunity. One last thing to add to your calendar, prepare to have food with us for our annual Church Family Thanksgiving Lunch on November 24th. This will be a potluck and a time for fellowship as we all go around sharing what we are thankful for.
Grace and peace, Pastor Aaron ?:^)